17th - 20th of September 2024

17th - 20th of September 2024

Understand Europe. Experience Berlin.


The Berlin Seminar delves into the conflict lines as we take on the German capital in spring 2023.
Based on the concept of the Washington Seminar, we will seek to understand what is happening at the intersection of security, energy, and climate in Europe.
We will meet Germany's and the EU's foremost experts, strategists, politicians, lobbyists, and business leaders. We will learn and be inspired. We will gain concrete ideas and useful tools. And we will explore and experience Berlin's metropolitan cultural life!

"In Berlin, Europe's dark past exists, but also the key to Europe's future".

- Torgrim Eggen


We have our own Berlin-cultured interpreter, author Torgrim Eggen, with us. He has lived in the city and tested it around the clock when it comes to food, nightlife, and phenomena. He keeps us entertained and informed throughout the stay.

Join us behind the scenes and meet the Berlin Philharmonic's star, Stefan Dohr, as he talks about the inner life of the philharmonic and introduces us to tonight's concert.

Seminar fee

Seminar fee including food (lunch and dinners), hotel, events, excursions, and concert tickets: 49,850 NOK

Berlinseminaret bygger broer mellom Norge, Berlin, Tyskland og EU. Vi tror på at møter mellom mennesker med forskjellige kunnskaper skaper relasjoner, nysgjerrighet og innsikt som vi trenger for å samarbeide bedre i Europa fremover. I tillegg til et årlig Berlinseminar i Tyskland organiserer vi arrangementer som er åpne for alle. Følg oss på sosiale medier for å få informasjon om ulike aktiviteter.


Lillian Olsen

Lillian Olsen

Kjell Terje Ringdal

Kjell Terje Ringdal

Susanne Ringdal

Susanne Ringdal

